For some strange reason, though I am not a male I keep getting spam advertisements for male enhancement pills in my email. Every once in a while I wonder from where these spam advertisements originate and just who decides what the target audience is. For sure I don't have any emails or in my blog that would imply that I am interested in male enhancement pills though I receive a lot of mail suggesting that I desperately need this stuff.
In order to combat these advertisements for male enhancement pills, I have tried a number of my anti spam tactics. In spite of my efforts to try and "remove me from mailing list" link, I often at the end find myself frustrated by not being able to promptly remove myself from the mailing list. Time and again I am quickly and conveniently removed from the male enhancement pills advertiser's mailing list, but sometimes this may not turn to be a good thing. I discovered that whenever I remove myself from advertising list for male enhancement pills; I end up getting even more spam from other companies selling the same product. Now I am not sure if the companies are affiliated and my anti spam tactics are backfiring on me. Yet I still get annoyed with the barrage of spam in my email for male enhancement pills even if majority of the advertisements end up in my junk folder.
Of course, it is a good practice to check your junk mail folder occasionally just incase you may be missing any messages that you actually want. At times those messages may be blocked by your anti spam feature that puts them in a junk folder and you may miss important messages. I simply don't like the idea of checking my junk mail to find a lot of embarrassing spam for male enhancement pills.
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Several of these clever advertisements for male enhancement pills wind up in my regular email folder. I report those as junk mail to the server. While there are other times when I find a number of advertisements on a single day for the pills and it can be quite embarrassing.
Sure, I care what other people think. I can't help it. But I simply dread the idea of someone passing up by my computer and seeing a bunch of advertisements for male enhancement pills. For sure, they may even think that I requested the information. What's more is that even if I would have been interested in the male enhancement pills, I would like a little discretion.
Currently my way out is to just keep deleting. I'll keep requesting that I be taken off of the mailing lists and I will keep on using my anti spam features to combat the advertisements, but I would really just like to find the source, or sources, and very frankly let them know that I don't have a penis neither do I really need any enhancements!