Getting the right amount of good quality sleep is essential for maintaining the physical and emotional health of a person. Nowadays, many people do not get enough sleep and suffer from sleep disorders. According to a survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation, over 40 million Americans suffer from sleep disorders severe enough to affect their daily activities.
Sleep disorders occur due to a variety of causes such as alcohol, drugs, coffee, soda, poor nighttime habits, neurological problems, or problems arising from restrictive lung disease. Restrictive lung disease is a chronic lung disorder that decreases the ability of lungs to expand. It also decreases the ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen to meet the body's needs.
People suffering from restrictive lung disease exhibit a wide range of oxygenation and breathing abnormalities during sleep. Frequent early morning awakenings and more daytime sleepiness are also found in people with restrictive lung disease. The treatment for sleep disorders due to restrictive lung disease should be comprehensive and should consider physiologic and psychological factors as well.
Interstitial pulmonary lung diseases such as sarcoidosis, granulomatous disorder, and extrapulmonary restrictive lung diseases including scoliosis are the most common restrictive lung diseases. Pulmonary fibrosis, lung cancer, and pneumonia are some of the instances of restrictive lung disease.
Sleep disorders are quite common in patients with both extrapulmonary restriction and interstitial pulmonary restriction. Patients who suffer from extrapulmonary restriction such as kyphoscoliosis are susceptible to develop severe apneas during sleep, mainly during the REM stage of sleep.
Sleep quality is generally low in patients with interstitial lung disease. People suffering from interstitial lung disease breathe in a rapid and shallow manner during sleep. Certain patients with interstitial lung disease have great abnormalities in the sleep structure. Patients with interstitial lung disease are susceptible to develop hypoxemia when snorting.
The use of nebulized morphine is found effective in patients with interstitial lung disease for breathlessness reduction. Oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, lung transplantation, and hormone therapy are other options to treat patients suffering from interstitial lung disease.